Heyday Homes

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Women-Owned Business Spotlight: Happy Cabbage

At Heyday Homes, we’re passionate about supporting female entrepreneurs and small businesses. Our spotlight series aims to introduce clients, family, and friends to local businesses in the area in effort to build community. We hope you enjoy this interview and learning about Kate’s work as much we have!

Name: Kate Hayes, Owner of Happy Cabbage Gifts

We’d love to hear a little background about Happy Cabbage Gifts! What inspired you to open a gift boutique?

After working in Tech for close to ten years I always struggled to find somewhere/someone to send gifts to clients, colleagues and even close friends. I always ended up putting something together myself. After having my son I decided to see if I could make something out of my own need.  

Did you have any mentors that helped you along the way, when you were first getting started?

My parents have owned their own business for 35 years. They started it in their garage and now call the likes of Nordstrom & Starbucks clients. Also, my best friend is the CEO & owner of Local Eclectic a thriving jewelry company. They were all very encouraging as we got Happy Cabbage off the ground. 

What do you like most about owning and running your own business?

I love collaborating with my clients. Knowing that I am helping them communicate their brand in a thoughtful way or helping them celebrate a milestone moment is super rewarding. Also, being a mom I appreciate being able to determine my own hours so that I’m not missing important moments with my own boys. 

What is your top challenge as a business owner?

You’ve got to do it all. You’re the salesperson, social media manager, accountant, buyer, visual merchandiser, shipping & receiving etc. there’s rarely a dull moment. 

Do you have any advice you would give to others starting a business?

Just jump off the dock. As a perfectionist this was absolutely my biggest hurdle. I wanted my business plan to be bullet proof and the truth is you really have no idea what your business can become until you actually start doing it. 

Just for fun…

What is your favorite thing about your neighborhood?

We live just a ten minute walk from the Happy Cabbage studio. Being able to meet my family at the park on the way home or swing by the bakery and grab pastries for Saturday morning will always be my favorite thing about Bucktown. We also have an excess of cute dogs in our neighborhood and I absolutely adore that they all know that we have treats at the studio. 

What is your morning routine?

I wake up with the baby then run down stairs for my first coffee then we go wake up my older son for school and get him fed. I try to do a quick scan of my inbox before sending my husband & son off to school and work for the day. If we’re in double digits temperatures I take the baby for a quick stroll on the 606 before getting myself ready to head to the studio. Try and get a second cup of coffee in before heading out. It’s not very glamorous lol. 

3 Words that define your design style?

Timeless, refined & unfussy 

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