Elevate Your Workspace in 5 Easy Steps

With kids headed back to school and college students settling into new dorms, we’re all beginning to adjust to a new rhythm as we head into fall.

We’ll soon be spending a lot of time indoors—and that means it’s time to get our interiors organized—especially our workspaces.

It’s easy to push off designing our workspaces because other areas of our home get all the attention. But it’s amazing how a well-organized (and well-decorated!) office space can make such a difference in our productivity and have a positive impact on our frame of mind.

Whether you work from home or out of the office, here’s a few of our go-to tips for creating a space you actually WANT to work in.

#1. Display your favorite art

Gallery walls are a great way to display a few of your favorite photos or prints. But, if putting together a gallery wall sounds intimidating, Etsy is a great spot to source pre-arranged sets. Just print at Home Depot or Staples, frame, and hang! If you’re short on wall space, even just displaying a few of your favorite photos or a framed motivational quote can give your workspace the boost it needs.

#2. Add some greenery

Every room can benefit from a little bit of nature—especially your workspace. Did you know that the color green can produce calming effects on your mood? In fact, studies have shown that putting a plant on your desk at work can have as much as a 37% reduction in stress and 58% reduction in depression. (Not to mention that they clean your air!) Whether it’s faux or real—grab a pot and find a spot to tuck in some greenery.

#3. Light up your space

No one likes working in a poorly lit space. Adding accent lighting through a small lamp or two can completely change the vibe of your space. You can also try swapping your overhead fixture for something with a little personality.

#4. Incorporate useful storage

When it comes to office space, bookshelves are your friend—your books need some place to live! We tend to hold on to books that we like, so they can add a comforting, cozy element in a space that may be feeling a bit bare. However, if you prefer closed-door storage, a console table or buffet is another great way to store books, printers, and extra office supplies.

#5. Accessorize with decor

Keep the desk clutter to a minimum (because we all know our workspaces tend to get a little hectic at times!), but still incorporate a few functional accessories. A comfy accent chair, a candle, cute pencil holder, or a small clock can instantly elevate your space.

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