Let’s chat.
If you’re ready to consider leveling up your home life, let’s chat. We have a couple of different options for getting started. High-pressure sales are gross, so there’s no obligation. Choose the option that works best for you.
Option 1: Are you a planner and thinking 6+ months out? Book a 10-15 min goal-review call, where we’ll:
Discuss your real estate goals
Answer high-level questions about the buying + selling processes
Determine next steps
Option 2: Are you ready to buy or sell a home sooner? Book a 45-min strategy session, where we’ll:
Take an in-depth look through your criteria
Review the steps in the buying + selling process
Cover gettting pre-approved for a loan
Discuss steps for getting your home ready to list
Get ready to shop for homes
2211 N. Elston Ave., Suite 104
Chicago, IL 60614